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About Us

Springs of Salvation ministry founded and led by Philip Prabu, a devoted servant of God, who has faithfully dedicated the last 23 years of his life to serving the Lord in multiple countries. What makes Philip's journey even more remarkable is that he hails from a non-Christian family but was blessed with God's grace and salvation at the tender age of 12.


Philip is an ordained minister and an anointed preacher. His passion for spreading the gospel has made him an enthusiastic evangelist, reaching out to souls in need of spiritual nourishment and guidance. In addition to preaching Philip also operates in the powerful realms of deliverance and healing ministries, bringing hope and liberation to those in distress.


As part of his ministry outreach, Philip conducts weekly services every Saturday evening at Seven Hills, NSW, where he gathers believers to worship and fellowship together. Additionally, he hosts weekly Intercessory prayer sessions over Zoom on Wednesdays, to unite believers across borders.


While Philip's dedication to God's work is evident, he also cherishes his personal life in Sydney, where he resides with his wife, Kezia, and their two daughters. Through his family life and ministry, Philip strives to exemplify the values of love, compassion, and integrity.


Philip's impactful sermons reach a vast audience through television, broadcasting weekly on Cross TV, an Indian TV channel. Every Thursday at 10 am, India time, viewers tune in to be enriched by his teachings and spiritual insights.


For those seeking his sermons online, Philip maintains an active presence on YouTube, where his channel named "Philip Prabu - Springs of Salvation" houses a treasure trove of his messages. Whether seeking guidance, encouragement, or a deeper understanding of faith, viewers can easily access his sermons anytime, anywhere.


To stay updated with Philip's ministry, individuals can connect with him on his official Facebook page under his name, "Philip Prabu." Where, he shares further insights, upcoming events, and opportunities for spiritual engagement, fostering a sense of community.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to boldly proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, unveiling the profound truths embedded within the Bible, utilizing every available and effective means at our disposal. Our unwavering commitment lies in equipping believers with the necessary tools and knowledge to embrace their divine calling and carry forth the same message to others.

Our Mission - Philip
Our vision

Our Vision

With fervour and determination, we seek to share the transformative message of God's love and salvation, leaving no avenue unexplored in our efforts to reach hearts and minds. Through various mediums, be it preaching, teaching, multimedia, or community outreach, we strive to engage with individuals from all walks of life, embracing diversity and fostering unity in faith.


At the heart of our purpose is empowering believers to become effective ambassadors of the Gospel, confident in their understanding of the Word and equipped to share it with compassion and conviction. We recognize that each person has a unique role in fulfilling this mission, and together, we form a harmonious body, working diligently to fulfill the Great Commission.


In this journey of faith, we are guided by humility and openness, acknowledging that we too are continually growing in our understanding of God's Word. As we seek to establish deeper truths from the Bible, we approach this task with reverence and a hunger for divine wisdom, recognizing that our pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong endeavour.


Ultimately, our goal is to reflect the love and light of Christ in all that we do, inspiring and drawing others into a deeper relationship with Him. By fulfilling this calling with passion and purpose, we hope to witness lives transformed, communities strengthened, and a world impacted by the redemptive power of the Gospel.

Join us in spreading the Love of God

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